regular visitor

美 [ˈreɡjələr ˈvɪzɪtər]英 [ˈreɡjələ(r) ˈvɪzɪtə(r)]
  • 常客
regular visitorregular visitor
  1. He was a regular visitor to her house .


  2. She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall .


  3. It seems you are a regular visitor here ? All the staff appear to know you .


  4. He was a regular visitor of hers .


  5. Mr Jaffee is a regular visitor to this country .


  6. She has been a regular visitor to the Prince 's Kensington Palace home during the past year .


  7. clearly a regular visitor , who made the tea , and sat next to Wemmick on the sofa .


  8. Unlike its contemporaries , however , Facebook enjoys regular visitor numbers and revenue growth that show no signs of stumbling .


  9. Since that time , she has been a regular visitor to the Indiana center , attending nearly all of the convenient method group meditation sessions .


  10. Attracted by the quirkiness of the cup cakes , Pan Xi has become a regular visitor to the shop .


  11. For she was such a regular visitor , then at2003 , a director offered her a chance of playing in TV series .


  12. The girl told authorities that her father , a teacher , had been tutoring the suspect , and he was a regular visitor at their house .


  13. A regular visitor to the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge , Flynn , 42 , expressed surprise the three vases had not been secured in some way .


  14. Whatever the perceived risks , Mr Carruthers was a regular visitor to the US , seeking influence in a debate joined by US Congressional Republicans about strengthening existing but incoherent anti-gambling law .


  15. Women as far afield as Alaska have contributed bras , including Betty Boothroyd , Britain 's first female speaker of the House of Commons and a regular visitor to the holiday island .


  16. In the latter years of his tenure at the special situations fund , it had 5 per cent invested in mainland-related equities , and Mr Bolton has since been a regular visitor to meet Chinese executives .


  17. She is Professor of Climate Science and Policy at the University of East Anglia , Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and a regular visitor to the Tyndall Centre at Fudan University in Shanghai .


  18. Smiling , she added : Since my accession , I have been a regular visitor to the Palace of Westminster and , at the last count , have had the pleasurable duty of treating with 12 prime ministers .


  19. Smiling , she added : " Since my accession , I have been a regular visitor to the Palace of Westminster and , at the last count , have had the pleasurable duty of treating with 12 prime ministers . "


  20. As the years went by , the woman , a regular solitary visitor on the path , become older and older .


  21. Reservation policies at scenic spots should be carried out on a regular basis , with visitor cap and staggered access in place .
